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Bunker DNA Matches

Along with arthurst44, whose fourth grandparents were James4 Giles Bunker & Abigail, and who I believe are the parents of Anna (Bunker) Jackson (see Anna (Bunker) Jackson)        we have numerous matches to this line.


In order to further show the connection to the Bunker line, I'm including all the dna matches for Maynard, Keith, Allen, Hampton and Nathan to people whose direct ancestors were Joseph3 Bunker and Ann Giles, grandparents to our Anna (Bunker) Jackson.  These matches obtained through matches:   MAYNARD.....5th-8th cousins

k.l. (managed by Amorette Sherer-LaQue).....13cM across 1 segment (also matches Allen & Hampton)

M.L. (managed by Amorette Sherer-LaQue).....13cM across 1 segment (also matches Allen & Hampton)

xmoses2003.....14cM across 1 segment


tlolesen (managed by Leslie Olesen).....14cM across 2 segments


S.T. (managed by potterroderick).....16cM across 2 segments

Joy Churchill (managed by icmyshadow_01)..... 16cM across 1 segment

Frederick A. Churchill III (managed by icmyshadow_01)..... 16cM across 1 segment

Frederick Churchill (managed by icmyshadow_01).....18cM across 1 segment  (isn't it interesting how this Frederick Churchill shares 18cM and Frederick A. Churchill shares 16cM; another example of how important it is to test multiple people)

Raymond Brun.....16cM across 2 segments (also matches Allen)

Vanessa Bradway Hill.....17cM across 2 segments (also matches Allen)

delisle193...9cM across 1 segment

bruce deuso.....9cM across 1 segment 

Barbara Scarbrough.....9cM across 1 segment

Glenn Rogers.....9cM across 1 segment

Clinton Dee Child.....9cM across 1 segment

======= matches:   KEITH.....4th-6th cousins

Christopher Hartsgrove.....27cM across 1 (also matches Allen) matches:   KEITH.....5th-8th cousins

Verne G. Cummings.....9cM across 1 segment

Mark Harbec.....9cM across 1 segment

Paige Corcimiglia.....9cm across 1segment

tobcars.....8cM across 1 segment

======== matches:   ALLEN.....5th-8th cousins

Christopher Hartsgrove.....20cM across 1segment (also matches Keith)

Vanessa Bradbury Hill.....19cm across 3 segments (also matches Maynard) (notice how Maynard matched on 2 segments but Allen on 3, another example of the importance of mulitple testing)

Sue Wells.....16cM across 1 segment

scookpa.....13cM across 1 segment

M.L. (managed by Amorette Scherer-LaQue).....13cM across 1 segment (also matches Maynard and Hampton)


K.L. (managed by Amorette Scherer-LaQue).....13cM across 1 segment (also matches Maynard and Hampton)

Raymond Brun.....9cM across 1 segments (also matches Maynard)

jmorinbruce.....8cM across 1 segment

========= matches:   HAMPTON G......5th-8th cousins

G.L. (managed by Jenelle1957).....14cM across 3 segments

macleodiane.....14cM across 1 segment

M.L. (managed by Amorette Scherer-LaQue).....13cM across 1 segment (also matches Maynard and Allen)

L.B. (managed by eagleseven170).....9cM across 1 segment

Regan Carpenter.....7ch across 1 segment

========= matches:   NATHAN......5th-8th cousins

momsresearch.....19cM across 1

M.S. (managed by charles Greenbert).....13cM across 1

Leolani Kaeka..... 12cM across 1 segment

Rhonda Thiaville.....  12cM across 1 segment

T.S. (managed by Laura Steyer).....10cM across 1

pggasbarri1.....10cM across 1 segment

John Lee Hayes.....10 cM across 1 segment

ChHildebrand38.....9cM across 1

ywatson2008.....9cm across 1


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